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Manor Community Primary


Welcome to our nursery!

Our nursery has places for children from the term after their 3rd birthday, offering 15 hour morning or afternoon sessions and a limited number of places for 30 hour sessions, all places are offered for 38 weeks per year.

Nursery Teachers - Mrs Street

Nursery Nurses – Mrs Leach and Miss Hutson

15 Hours Free Childcare (34 places) - Mon to Fri 8.30am - 11.30am or Mon to Fri 12.15pm - 3.15pm

30 Hours Free Childcare (9 places) - Mon - Thurs 8.30am - 3.15pm and Friday 8.30am - 11.30am

Here at Manor Community Primary School Nursery we provide a fun and exciting learning environment. We understand that children learn best when they are engaged and involved and so we plan stimulating activities, incorporating our children’s interests whenever possible. We endeavour to provide a warm and friendly atmosphere, organising our inside and outside environments to reflect this ethos.

We recognise that Parents and Carers are a child’s first teacher and respect our combined roles in nurturing your child by allocating each child a Key Worker. Key Workers offer high educational standards to all children and are responsible for communicating with Parents and Carers about your child’s time in Nursery. The Key Worker provides a supportive relationship for your child whilst they are away from home and delivers focus sessions daily in small groups with their Key children. Before your child starts at our Nursery, 2 members of the Nursery team will arrange to visit you and your child at your home. This provides the perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other better and for you and your child to ask any questions or share any worries you may have about them starting Nursery. We also invite you and your child to come and play during one of our sessions.

Your child’s learning and development is continuous throughout the day and so we love to hear about what your child is learning outside Nursery.  Tapestry is an  online journal which enables all learning experiences to be recorded. We encourage Parents/Carers to contribute to your child’s learning journal and view it regularly with your child to create opportunities for discussion about your child’s achievements.

Nursery Admissions  September 2023

We are now taking application forms for children to start in our Nursery in September 2023. 

If your child is 3 years old before 31st August 2023 and you would like to apply for a place please either collect a form from the school office, call us on 01322 383314 or download the nursery application form.


Please see the poster below to see if your child would be entitled to Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).

eyff poster.pdf


If your child is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance please speak to the Nursery Teacher as we may be able to apply for Disability Access Fund for your child.