Support at Manor Community Primary School
At Manor, we aim to ensure that every child can access our curriculum and fulfil their potential, especially those with additional needs. The progress and achievement of our most vulnerable members is a vital part of our improvement as a school and good practice to support pupils with SEN is good practice for every child.
Quality First Teaching:
Crucial to this is the understanding that every teacher is responsible for every pupil (Code 6.36), including those who may access extra support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. We follow the Mainstream Core Standards advice developed by Kent County Council to ensure that our teaching conforms to best practice, and we employ Quality First Teaching strategies to make sure that all pupils can achieve.
Alongside the checklist above, we make use of a range of methods to assess the ability and needs of our pupils, so that we can identify any children who may need extra support. We must regularly assess the progress of all pupils and work together to identify whether a pupil has SEN and to do this, we must assess whether the pupil’s progress is:-
- Significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline-
- Failing to match or better the pupil’s previous rate of progress
- Failing to close the attainment gap between the pupil and their classmates
We also use information provided for us by parents/carers, previous schools or nurseries and professionals from other agencies to assess children’s level of need, as well as regularly monitoring of attendance, learning data and other well-being indicators to ascertain the need for additional support.
This is the first key part of the graduated approach that we offer at Manor Community Primary School to support every child who requires additional support:
Each learner’s provision will be made up of a range of strategies and interventions that will be regularly monitored, reviewed and evaluated to inform next steps. It does not remain the same over time as children’s progress and needs develop, so understanding of what is needed and what works best is developed and for some children and young people, more support is put in place to ensure that they are able to be included and make progress across the curriculum. Our staff update their Year group provision maps termly to review our provision of support and interventions and they monitor and update personalised plans and provision plans for individuals regularly with support from teachers, teaching assistants and parents/ carers.
At Manor Community Primary School we use a range of methods to assess and plan for our pupils. Where it is identified that pupils may need extra support, we offer a range of interventions alongside quality first teaching, including Precision Teaching, Trugs, Social Skills, Circle of Friends, BEAM, Sensory Circuits, Speech and Language Link programmes (infant and junior), Clicker 7, Clever fingers, Lego intervention, Nessy, Fizzy Fingers and Third Space learning. We also make provision for every kind of frequently occurring special educational need without an Education, Health and Care Plan, for instance dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, speech and language needs, Autism Spectrum Condition, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning difficulties and behaviour difficulties. There are other kinds of special educational need which do not occur as frequently and with which the school is less familiar, but we can access training and advice so that these kinds of needs can be met.
The school also currently meets the needs of pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan with the following kinds of special educational need: Speech Language Communication Needs, Behaviour Difficulties and Learning Difficulties. Decisions on the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan are made by the Local Authority.
The admission arrangements for pupils without an Education, Health and Care Plan do not discriminate against or disadvantage disabled children or those with special educational needs.
A decision about how much support is allocated is dependent on the level of need and impact of interventions. If a young person is statemented or the subject of an Education and Health Care Plan, we always ensure that statutory requirements are met (as a minimum). We also seek and follow guidance from other professionals working with the child/ family and take on board the wishes and feelings of the young person and parents/carers. The student and their parents and carers are consulted and informed when planning interventions and are informed about the impact and outcomes of support and of next steps.
What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
If ever you have a concern about your child please do discuss it with the class teacher in the first instance, as difficulties are often overcome simply by sharing knowledge. If you feel you need more advice you are welcome to consult the SEND team and speak to the special educational needs co-ordinator.
Our SEND co-ordinator is: Mrs C Mian, who can be contacted by phone 01322 383314 or email.
More information:
Please see our Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy. If you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Hill and Mrs Purl in the SEND team.
The Mainstream Core Standards:
Information for parents:
The Local Offer: The Kent County Council website has information regarding special educational needs and disability and the support available in Kent. This is known as the Local Offer.
Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK) offers impartial information and advice on Special Education Needs issues. Find out more information and contact them here:
The Kent Community School nurse is available if you require any medical support on 0300 123 5205 (opt 2) or
BEAMS are able to offer this support to parents as they have many years of experience of working with parents of disabled children. They can help you through the maze of services, agencies and processes and help you to prioritise the key areas of support needed. This is particularly useful around the time of diagnosis where parents often feel isolated and are unsure of what to do next.
Please find downloads of useful SEN information below:
SEND Policy / Report 2023 2024
SEND Information Report 2023 2024
SEND Policy / Report 2022 2023
Our SEND Commitments
The number of pupils with SEND in our schools is rising and ensuring our schools can meet their needs sustainably is a priority.
We have a Cygnus SEND network, led by our Trust SEND lead, which supports SEND and inclusion leaders.
Our SEND policies and systems are developed to help schools by focusing their capacity on individual pupils.
Our Mission
Realising Ambition For Children And Young People.
Our Vision
To give everyone in our Trust, irrespective of background, the learning and experience needed to give them the life chances so that they can realise their ambition.